Title: Like a Child Author: fangirlism_era Rating: PG Disclaimer: I make no claim on the characters in this story. Pairing: Kato Shigeaki/Nishikido Ryo Summary: Snippets in the story of Ryo and Shige. Author’s Notes: This story is based on Kim Dong Ryul’s Like a Child.
Title: MARS Author: fangirlism_era Pairing(s): RyoShige Rating: PG-13 for kissing. Disclaimer: Not mine. Summary: Wherein Shige thinks he’s unimportant and Ryo comes to the rescue. Set in the future Author’s Notes: ‘Mars’ was the supposed prompt. But srsly, I fail at this. Sorry guys. juuten , otoke1315 , and eunseung8693 is making fic with the same prompt. ♥
Title: untitled baby fic WC: 3 000+ Pairing: NishiKato/RyoShige Disclaimer: Not mine, duh. Summary: Ryo and Shige adopt. A/N: Written and posted within 30 mins at 3 in the morning then extended when I was fully awake.